Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. wmd
2. wmc
3. wlz
4. wlw
5. wlt
6. wlq
7. wkt
8. wkx
9. wku
10. wkq
11. wjz
12. wjr
13. wiw
14. wij
15. wie
16. wib
17. whn
18. whl
19. wgn
20. wgg
21. wgd
22. wfz
23. wgb
24. wem
25. wdk
26. wbx
27. wbo
28. wbq
29. waj
30. wab
31. wil
32. wxm
33. wsr
34. wmi
35. wll
36. wlp
37. wlf
38. wky
39. wkp
40. wkm
41. wkl
42. wkf
43. wke
44. wkd
45. wkb
46. wkc
47. wka
48. wjt
49. wjs
50. wga