Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. wia
2. whx
3. whd
4. whc
5. wgt
6. wfk
7. wez
8. wev
9. wei
10. wdi
11. wcq
12. wch
13. wcc
14. wbt
15. wbh
16. wal
17. waf
18. wyu
19. wyk
20. wxy
21. wvy
22. wqq
23. woj
24. wnv
25. wmu
26. wmq
27. wmf
28. wly
29. wlm
30. wli
31. wlg
32. wkv
33. wko
34. wkn
35. wkk
36. wjx
37. wjj
38. wji
39. whz
40. whp
41. whh
42. whi
43. whe
44. wgx
45. wgu
46. wgs
47. wgr
48. wgq
49. wge
50. wfy