Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. cgu
2. cwm
3. cwn
4. cwh
5. cwg
6. cwd
7. cvy
8. cvl
9. cun
10. ctd
11. crl
12. crd
13. cqt
14. cqs
15. cqr
16. cqq
17. cqm
18. cql
19. cqh
20. cqf
21. cqg
22. cqe
23. coc
24. cnw
25. cnj
26. cne
27. cmr
28. cmq
29. cml
30. cjo
31. cbb
32. cbc
33. cxk
34. cxe
35. cxc
36. cxa
37. cxb
38. cwo
39. cwl
40. cwk
41. cwj
42. cvz
43. cvx
44. cvw
45. cvt
46. cve
47. cvd
48. cuw
49. cuu
50. cus