Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. cjm
2. cjj
3. ciz
4. cii
5. cfg
6. cfb
7. cek
8. cdv
9. cdr
10. cdl
11. cck
12. ccg
13. ccf
14. cca
15. cbv
16. cbr
17. cbp
18. cba
19. cah
20. cct
21. cgc
22. cof
23. cot
24. cbh
25. cod
26. cgi
27. czw
28. czf
29. cze
30. cza
31. cyx
32. cyz
33. cyq
34. cyn
35. cym
36. cyi
37. cyg
38. cyd
39. cyc
40. cxy
41. cxx
42. cxt
43. cxv
44. cxo
45. cxj
46. cxf
47. cxd
48. cwa
49. cwb
50. cvi