Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. uzn
2. uzg
3. uyw
4. uzb
5. uyx
6. uyg
7. uye
8. uxi
9. uwg
10. uwi
11. uvp
12. uvk
13. uve
14. ush
15. uru
16. uqy
17. uqr
18. uqs
19. uqj
20. upv
21. upp
22. uoe
23. uoi
24. unt
25. uns
26. unc
27. ult
28. uly
29. ulx
30. ulr
31. uko
32. uke
33. ujk
34. ujh
35. uiq
36. uhr
37. uho
38. uhe
39. ugt
40. ugi
41. ugc
42. ugb
43. uet
44. ufc
45. uzz
46. uzx
47. uzw
48. uzr
49. uzj
50. uzd