Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. txx
2. tkm
3. tix
4. tin
5. tik
6. tii
7. tif
8. tho
9. tgq
10. tgo
11. tgg
12. tgf
13. tfy
14. tfx
15. tck
16. tcc
17. tbi
18. tee
19. tgn
20. tft
21. tfp
22. tfq
23. tfn
24. tfm
25. tew
26. tev
27. teu
28. tcq
29. tco
30. tci
31. tbq
32. tbf
33. tbd
34. tbc
35. taw
36. tav
40. thv
41. ths
42. thr
43. thl
44. tfu
45. tef
46. tdv
47. tdi
48. tde
49. tcv
50. tcj