Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. pst
2. pqp
3. pqa
4. ppj
5. pnp
6. pnj
7. pkr
8. pta
9. pmb
10. pps
11. por
12. pda
13. pzd
14. pvl
15. pqn
16. pqf
17. ppz
18. ppv
19. pnv
20. pni
21. pml
22. pkw
23. phu
24. pby
25. pss
26. pot
27. pls
28. pic
29. pvs
30. ppg
31. pme
32. pzu
33. pza
34. psq
35. psm
36. pqy
37. pql
38. ppy
39. ppf
40. poz
41. pnn
42. pmu
43. pmt
44. pmk
45. pks
46. pjw
47. pjv
48. pjo
49. pfj
50. psy