Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. pcf
2. pbi
3. pbf
4. pbe
5. pbd
6. pax
7. pat
8. pam
9. pah
10. pag
11. pap
12. pwy
13. pmn
14. phn
15. pgy
16. pgh
17. pgg
18. pga
19. pfx
20. pfn
21. pfo
22. pfm
23. pfl
24. pfd
25. pen
26. pck
27. plj
28. pik
29. pee
30. pdz
31. pdy
32. pdn
33. pdo
34. pdl
35. pdm
36. pdd
37. pco
38. pcn
39. pcq
40. pcj
41. pch
42. pcg
43. pcd
44. pbs
45. pbr
46. pbm
47. pan
48. pad
49. paa
50. pao