Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. nvy
2. nvt
3. nvo
4. nvl
5. nvi
6. nvd
7. nui
8. nuc
9. ntr
10. nto
11. nts
12. ntp
13. ntg
14. nqu
15. nqr
16. npj
17. npk
18. npm
19. nph
20. npg
21. npe
22. noy
23. nox
24. nhh
25. nhg
26. ngu
27. ngr
28. ngn
29. ngf
30. nfw
31. nfq
32. nfn
33. nfg
34. nfd
35. neu
36. nei
37. ndz
38. ndu
39. ndq
40. nco
41. ncn
42. ncl
43. nca
44. nby
45. nbu
46. nbr
47. nbp
48. nbl
49. nbm
50. nbg