Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. mne
2. mnd
3. mna
4. mmk
5. mlp
6. mkp
7. mjq
8. mjl
9. mja
10. miu
11. mir
12. mhx
13. mht
14. mfj
15. mfe
16. mfd
17. mej
18. mei
19. mea
20. mdx
21. mii
22. mnt
23. moe
24. mec
25. mwt
26. mia
27. msi
28. mwr
29. mmt
30. mzm
31. mzh
32. mzi
33. mzg
34. mze
35. mzc
36. myz
37. myw
38. myv
39. myo
40. myl
41. myi
42. myk
43. myd
44. myb
45. myc
46. mxz
47. mya
48. mxy
49. mxw
50. mxv