Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. dhm
2. dgo
3. dfz
4. ddt
5. dds
6. ddo
7. ddf
8. dda
9. dcy
10. dcx
11. dct
12. dcr
13. dce
14. dcd
15. dcc
16. dcb
17. dbt
18. dbn
19. dbp
20. daz
21. daq
22. daa
23. diy
24. dyd
25. dxy
26. dxl
27. dxm
28. dxk
29. dxj
30. dxf
31. dwy
32. dts
33. drs
34. djq
35. djr
36. djn
37. djf
38. dir
39. dhh
40. dhf
41. dhe
42. dhd
43. dha
44. dgy
45. dgz
46. dgw
47. dgu
48. dgp
49. dgm
50. dgr