Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. vis
2. vps
3. yoe
4. vrs
5. vlp
6. snr
7. rat
8. qvw
9. uts
10. pub
12. wyo
19. dba
20. hrm
21. vat
25. wba
26. wyn
27. qut
28. vac
29. vhc
30. uqh
31. lpg
32. wcf
33. vfd
34. yks
35. wvd
36. ils
37. ucs
38. til
39. umq
40. wrt
41. vhf
42. elc
46. ukf
47. vuq
48. uqf
49. qka
50. sum