Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. yxw
2. ywf
3. yvn
4. yvm
5. yvf
6. yuu
7. yuq
8. yuf
9. yue
10. yud
11. ytr
12. ytn
13. ysz
14. ysw
15. ysr
16. ysq
17. ysg
18. yrq
19. yrl
20. yrj
21. yqs
22. yqt
23. yqg
24. ypn
25. yox
26. yor
27. ynw
28. ymn
29. ymb
30. yku
31. yiu
32. yiq
33. yim
34. ygt
35. yei
36. yym
37. yyk
38. yyf
39. yye
40. yxz
41. yxx
42. yxo
43. yxn
44. yxd
45. yvy
46. yvx
47. yvq
48. yva
49. yuz
50. yuv