Most searched jobs on Australia

These are the jobs that are searched more on Australia. They are in alphabetical order
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1. uzh
2. uzl
3. uze
4. uyy
5. uza
6. uyq
7. uyn
8. uyj
9. uxp
10. uxk
11. uxe
12. uxb
13. uwm
14. uws
15. uwq
16. uwt
17. uwf
18. uvs
19. uvn
20. uvf
21. uvc
22. uuy
23. uuf
24. uul
25. uto
26. utn
27. utr
28. uth
29. usy
30. usp
31. usn
32. usj
33. usi
34. urv
35. ura
36. uqz
37. uqq
38. uqp
39. uqb
40. upy
41. upx
42. upn
43. upt
44. upe
45. uoo
46. uod
47. unx
48. uno
49. ung
50. unf